FY1 UK Space

A space for FY1 resources and open source discussion around shared topics.

FY1 UK Space

Starting as an FY1 can be daunting, everything from the fear of being called to your first crashing patient to the difficulties of navigating a new workplace! The FY1 UK Eolas Space has got you covered.

Access everything from treatment guidelines to practical advice about making the most of your FY1 year.

How to access

The space is an open space so just click the button here or search the spaces on the Eolas app for "FY1 UK".

<button class="button" onclick="window.location.href='https://app.eolasmedical.com/access-link/86099d7e-490f-4559-a590-21b330380ca9';">Join the Space</button>

If you would like to get involved in managing this Space as an admin just reach out and get in contact here.

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Declan Kelly
January 3, 2024
Sharing is caring, share this space to spread the word